Hi, I’m Lucia Gonzalez Sainz de los Terreros

I am a freelance art historian, curator and art manager promoting and spreading contemporary art, by art advisory and exhibitions management. I love relating to people in the art business, both on social media and face to face, creating a unique dialogue between artists, galleries, collectors and Institutions.

I have worked in numerous cultural institutions across Europe and South America (Museo Nacional del Prado, Museo Centro Arte Reina Sofia, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Peggy Guggenheim Collection), eventually spending many years in a private gallery in Spain (Galería Alvaro Alcázar) where I started working as an art advisor and where I have learned how to introduce new collectors to the art market. My experience led me to understand the contemporary market as eclectic in a very large and global way, with new visuals and digital aesthetics.

I now live in Milan (Italy) where I found the perfect equilibrium as a working mom that wants to transmit her children the importance of arts in the society. Therefore I recently created Sumira Dada as a public profile where I can face with passion a global vision of art and its diffusion.

My goal is to make art more accessible. I want to develop the viewer's curiosity and invite them to continue they research, ask themself questions and create a bond of purely artistic experience. I strongly believe that this path can fuel a dormant market and that it must find the formula to bring art back into the homes of a general public.

If you are interested to share your artistic visions or want to collaborate with me please feel free to contact me!

